Welcome to ProTechMe.
These terms and conditions apply to the use of the services provided by Linucare, CVR number 44214946, (“Linucare” or “we”) through our app “ProTechMe” (“the App”).

Please review the terms and conditions carefully before you start using the App. You must accept the terms and conditions in order to use the App.

1. General

The app is an application-based service where you can receive help in emergency situations. When the app is used, close contacts or people nearby will be notified about your situation.

ProTechMe is a platform that connects volunteers who want to create safety for everyone. This feature allows users to request help from other volunteers in the network (Helpers) or offer help to others in unsafe situations.

The purpose of ProTechMe is to create a network of people who can help each other in emergencies. The ProTechMe network consists of both selected contacts and volunteers who have signed up to receive and respond to alerts.

2. Your Account and Use of the App

To use the app, you must create a user account. When registering your account, you will be asked to provide certain personal information. You are then required to confirm that the information is correct and up-to-date. You are responsible for this as long as you hold a user account. Information on how we process personal data can be found in our “Privacy Policy.”

Your user account is personal, and you are responsible for ensuring that no one else uses it. You are responsible for all use of the app that takes place through your user account.

To use the ProTechMe function in the app, you must also create a profile as either a “User” or a “Helper.” When you sign up for ProTechMe as a user, you can trigger an alarm that will be sent to your selected contacts and/or nearby helpers. As a Helper, you will receive alarms from other users in need.

3. Our Delivery of the App

Linucare is continuously developing the app and may, in whole or in part, update, change, or temporarily or permanently close the app or parts of it (such as, but not limited to, features and available services). It may be necessary to carry out work that affects the app. From time to time, the app may be wholly or partially unavailable or not function satisfactorily due to planned or unplanned maintenance, malfunctions, or other circumstances.

Linucare has the right to close your account and unsubscribe you from the app with immediate effect if you misuse the app, cause damage or inconvenience to the app or us, or if you otherwise violate these terms of use. If your account has been closed under this provision, you are not entitled to re-register or create a new account without special permission from Linucare.

4. Payments

Free Features: At the time of implementation of this version of the app, the app (including all available features) is offered to you at no cost.

Paid Features: Linucare may choose to introduce changes for certain or all features in the app or the app itself. In such a case, you will be clearly informed about such a change and the applicable fees. The app will always be free, but certain features may require payment. All prices, fees, and payment schedules will be provided in the app for your reference. You will need to make payments as described in the app (in such cases, please ensure you provide all the necessary information to complete the payment). For your safety and transaction efficiency, payments may be managed by third parties, such as a professional payment operator (all necessary information will be provided to you).

5. Your Responsibility

You are responsible for ensuring that your account is used in accordance with these terms of use, other terms outlined in the app, and all applicable laws.

If you violate these terms of use or applicable law, or if you use the app in an illegal or unauthorized manner, you are required to indemnify and hold Linucare harmless from any damage caused as a result.

As a user of ProTechMe, you are responsible for using the app correctly and only triggering alarms in real emergency situations. Misuse of the alarm function may result in exclusion from the ProTechMe network. As a Helper, you are responsible for acting in accordance with applicable laws and must not put yourself or others in danger.


When using the app, you are responsible for ensuring access to the internet, Bluetooth, location services, and that your phone does not have energy-saving mode activated. You should also keep the app updated.

6. Our Responsibility

We strive to offer the app continuously and with stability. However, the app and website are provided “as is” and without obligations or warranties of any kind. Linucare does not take responsibility for any damage that may arise because you cannot access the app or its functionality. We reserve the right to update, revise, or temporarily or permanently cease offering the app. We do not take responsibility for content on websites linked to or from the app or website.

If you encounter issues or are dissatisfied with the app or website, you may stop using them and/or contact us at kontakt@Linucare.dk.

Linucare is not responsible for any damages that may arise from using ProTechMe, including delays in alarms or failure to notify helpers. Use of ProTechMe is at your own risk, and Linucare cannot be held responsible for any issues related to user or helper location.

7. Termination of Terms of Use/Account Closure

These terms of use apply for as long as you have a user account. If you no longer wish to be bound by the terms of use, you must close your account in accordance with the instructions in the account.

If you close your account, we will promptly delete all available information about you, except for the information that we are legally obligated to retain.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership, copyright, and all other rights to the app, Linucare’s trademarks, company, and website, as well as all documents used and/or offered by Linucare on the website and in the service, belong to Linucare (or in some cases, our licensors) with exclusive rights. Any copying, modification, transfer, and/or other use of Linucare’s material that is not expressly permitted under the terms of use or occasional instructions is prohibited. You confirm and agree that you understand that unauthorized use of our intellectual property rights, in addition to violating the terms of use, may be a criminal offense.

Ownership and copyright of any image and video material made available by you belong to you. However, Linucare has the right to use image and video material in order to provide the app. This includes, among other things, the right for Linucare to store, copy, and forward image and video material to another professional, e.g., in connection with a referral. We do not use image or video material for any purpose other than providing the app.

All intellectual property rights related to ProTechMe and associated materials belong to Linucare or its licensors. As a user of ProTechMe, you are not entitled to copy, distribute, sell, publish, transfer, or otherwise use software or other material associated with ProTechMe without express permission from Linucare.

9. Processing of Your Personal Data

Your privacy and personal information are important to us. All personal information you provide to us is processed in accordance with our security policy. The policy explains what information we collect, how and why we collect, store, use, and share the information. The policy also explains your rights regarding personal information and how to contact us if you have questions or complaints about the use of your personal data. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

As part of the ProTechMe function, Linucare processes personal data, including location, in order to connect users with helpers in emergency situations. All personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy, and you may request access, correction, or deletion of your data at any time. Your geographic location is only shared in emergency situations and only with the people necessary to assist you.

10. Changes to the Terms

Linucare may change the terms of use. In the event of a change, we will publish the new terms on the website and in the app and inform you via the email address you have provided in the app.

If you do not accept one or more changes to the terms of use, you must stop using the app by unsubscribing from your account or contacting us with a request to close your account.

11. Disputes

These terms are governed by Danish law. The courts of Denmark, or the country in which you are domiciled, have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any claims or disputes arising under the terms. If you reside in the EU, the European Commission offers an online platform for dispute resolution, which you can access here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumer/odr. As a consumer in Denmark, you can also use the alternative dispute resolution mechanism offered by the Consumer Complaints Board, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, Denmark, https://www.forbrug.dk/klagemuligheder/klager-over-koeb-i-danmark/saadan-starter-du-en-klagesag/.

12. Contact Us

If you want to get in touch with us, you can send an email to us at kontakt@Linucare.dk.

We only collect personal data in cases where this would be relevant for us, and we will only collect personal data if it is relevant to your activity at Protechme. 

When collecting, processing, and using your data, we always comply with all relevant legal provisions. We will only keep your data for as long as we are either under a legal obligation to do so, or as long as it is relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.

Contact Information:

The data controller for the collection, processing, and use of your data at Protechme.com is Linucare ApS, Østre Havnepark 3. 4,5, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark, CVR no. 44214946. If you have any questions about the processing of your data, you can contact us via kontakt@linucare.dk or on tel. +45 30 70 60 20.

Information we collect

If you wish to purchase and receive a product or service from us, we need to collect certain personal data to complete the transaction and to be able to offer you our services. We can use cookies to keep track of the contents of your shopping basket while you use our webshop. We can obtain information such as name, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different from postal address), telephone number, and payment information.

Protechme collects and processes your data when you do the following:

  • Visiting our website
  • Completes a purchase of our products
  • Using our service
  • Create an account
  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Review our website
  • Send us questions, complaints, or feedback

When you create an account, we store your name, phone number, and email in an electronic customer database accessible only to Linucare employees. This information is entered into the app during registration, and prior consent is requested. You can revoke this consent at any time, or access your data, by contacting us or in the app under settings.

Location data

Linucare sends alarms to the nearest helpers. In order to be able to calculate which helpers are closest, we need location data. The location is based on e.g. satellite, wifi, and mobile network. Your location data is collected in the background, even when the app is closed or not in use. In addition, location data is used for navigation during an alarm.


We use cookies on https://protechme.com to show whether you are logged in and which files have been placed in the shopping cart.

Third-Party Services

We cooperate with third-party services. This includes: Google Analytics, Google Cloud, Google Maps, GLS, Stripe, Simply.

Linucare assumes no responsibility for the privacy policy of the third-party services. 


We need to communicate with our customers to ensure that the service is delivered correctly. This is why, we can process information about name, address, services, special agreements, payment information, and other key data.

The authority to process this personal data is the danish data protection regulation’s article 6, paragraph 1 letter b. When the service has been delivered and any pending issues have been completed, we will immediately delete the personal data.

Treatment basis and purpose

We collect your general contact information such as name and address to deliver the product or service that you have purchased from us. We collect your e-mail address to send you an order confirmation and a delivery confirmation.

When you pay for your product or service, we collect your name, card data, and IP address. The information collected in connection with the payment transaction is used and stored only for payment processing and fulfillment of the concluded agreement. When making payments, some of your data will be shared with Stripe, including information necessary to complete or support the payment, such as the total purchase amount and billing information.

If you have given us your consent to this during the registration process or on our website, we will use your e-mail address to send out a newsletter. You can subscribe to and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. All newsletters also contain a link to unsubscribe. If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke consent at any time. 

If you do not wish to provide the personal data required to purchase a product, you will unfortunately not be able to purchase products from us on our website.

Your information (except your e-mail address, if you have consented to its processing to receive offers) will be deleted 5 years after you have received your item or service.

When creating, you give consent to be allowed to contact you by phone, for example for general feedback on the app.

Other recipients of personal data

We do not sell your personal data to third parties and we do not transfer your personal data to third countries.

If you choose to review our website, your name and email address will be transferred to the review page Trustpilot.

We have our website at Simply and a payment system through Stripe, which acts as our data processor. All personal data that you provide on our website will be stored in Simply’s data centers.


We only process the information for the stated purposes, and it is deleted when it is no longer necessary for this purpose.

Your rights

As the registered person, you have several rights, which we must ensure fulfillment of at all times. You have the right to request the following from us:

  • To access and correct/change your personal data
  • To have personal data deleted

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and you have the right to complain to a data protection authority.

You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Authority if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your data. You can see the Danish Data Protection Authority’s contact information at datatilsynet.dk.

If you no longer wish for us to process your personal data or for us to restrict the processing of your personal data, you can also send us a request to this effect to our e-mail address contact@protechme.com.


If you wish to complain about the processing of your personal information, a complaint can be submitted to the Data Protection Authority: Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K. Tel.: 33 19 32 00. Email: dt@datatilsynet.dk. www.datatilsynet.dk.

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